Now I know where to go!!! LOL

A lovely warm evening

23 Jul 2014

83 visits

Lady and her two dogs enjoying the sun

23 Jul 2014

1 favorite

62 visits

The back gardens of some houses in Irsha Street - what a view

23 Jul 2014

1 favorite

82 visits

Appledore church where I got married

23 Jul 2014

78 visits

Appledore church school where I went as a child for about 6 months.

23 Jul 2014

78 visits

The play area - think it still the same swing set as in 1972

02 Feb 2013


101 visits

The swing set in 1963

Mandi left is on the swing on her own, then me pushing Tony on the right

23 Jul 2014

74 visits

All crabs were safely returned to the sea

23 Jul 2014

1 favorite

45 visits

Oh what fun it is to go crabbing

26 items in total