Another lovely blue wildflower

Apples are forming / little roses

06 Jul 2014

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1 comment

62 visits

Another lovely blue wildflower

06 Jul 2014

1 comment

69 visits

Beautiful vetch growing in the grass

06 Jul 2014

1 comment

72 visits

Some new nasturtiums growing in the flower bed

06 Jul 2014

1 comment

45 visits

The mombretia is already starting to bloom

06 Jul 2014

1 comment

56 visits

My new gardener trying to cut the grass

06 Jul 2014

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1 comment

76 visits

A gorgeous little rambling rose

06 Jul 2014

81 visits

This rambling rose is all over the place

06 Jul 2014

65 visits

Beautiful delicate buds

06 Jul 2014

60 visits

They are tiny but gorgeous

14 items in total