One of the many road bridges on Dartmoor

West of England

09 Jul 2014

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One of the many road bridges on Dartmoor

There are only a few roads crossing Dartmoor and small bridges like this one were built to cross the small rivers. Having so few roads are very convenient, especially should a prisoner escape from the High Security Prison, because the police only have to close the roads at the edge of the moorland, and they are caught pretty quickly!!! That's always providing the prisoners have managed not to be trapped in the wet boglands which are all over the place!

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09 Jul 2014

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This is a very old bridge spanning one of the small rivers

This bridge was built many centuries ago, before road bridges were made. The top of this bridge is comprised of huge flat slabs of granite which rest on the uprights, I think there are four slabs of granite on this one. It's quite precarious crossing this as there are no sides to stop you from falling off!!!

02 Jun 2016

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Looking down the River Torridge...

This is a view of the shipyards at Appledore. It's getting bigger and bigger there, let's just hope that the orders for ships keep coming in. It's still a lovely view - see construction buildings don't always spoil the views.

29 Sep 2010

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150 visits

Looking across the bay towards Baggy Point from the Tors

This is taken from the start of the Tors headland. It looks across the bay towards Saunton Sands with Ilfracombe on the other side of the headland. This is a great place to be when there's a great sunset.

09 Jan 2019

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Appledore from Instow.

This is a view I really love, as I used to live in Appledore. in fact I lived on the end of the quayside, (the end of the wall of my apartment building is just visible on the extreme left), so I'd had a beautiful view from the apartment. I also got married in the church there which is almost hidden by the grasses and my father is buried in the churchyard, so you see it holds many memories.

29 Sep 2010

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Westward Ho! beach

I think the tide was on its way in, judging by the amount of dry sand on the beach. The tide actually goes out further than this - it's a very long walk if you just want to paddle!!!! The beach is lined by a pebble ridge, which every year, there is a sort of festival, whereby people come from all over the place, to throw the pebbles off the beach onto the ridge. The heavy swell of high tides take the pebbles off the ridge and dump them on the beach.

24 Sep 2009

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A panorama of Northam Burrows

This is part of Northam Burrows and somehow the Royal North Devon Golf Club has some of its 18 hole green there!!! There are plenty of rough areas to get stuck in!!!!

11 Sep 2010

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This is North Devon countryside

I was driving towards Ilfracombe from Bideford, and I saw this amazing view looking down the valley towards the river.