This was taken on 1.6.21 from the tv

June 2021

01 Jun 2021

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38 visits

This was taken on 1.6.21 from the tv

I don't think I'd be brave enough to go in the sea pool this early in the year - but enough people did. Great to see.

01 Jun 2021

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45 visits

This was taken on 1.6.21 from the tv

At long last it's okay for people to visit the beach without worrying. It was so good to see so many people enjoying themselves and also to see blue sky!!!

26 Jun 2021

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30 visits

Mama seagull

She is an incredibly good mum to the little one, watching him constantly and often coming down to feed him or keep him company

28 Jun 2021

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31 visits

Hoya flower

Almost to the end of its life, this flower holds on for grim death but still manages to secrete nectar.

28 Jun 2021

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34 visits

The Himalayan honeysuckle

This self sown bush is getting really big now!!

28 Jun 2021

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35 visits

Newer flower

For every one which dies, there are always a couple more just flowering

28 Jun 2021

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33 visits

New wild roses growing in among the lilacs

Wonderful new roses noticed above the lilac trees and the apple tree - nature is wonderful

29 Jun 2021

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40 visits

Pendants made on 29.6.21

I used the flowers from my orange flowering cactus for these pendants, together with the green parts of the geranium flower which hold the petals. Waste not - want not!!!!

29 Jun 2021

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42 visits

Pendants made on 29.6.21

Quite like these blue flowers
11 items in total