Mombretia out about 3 months too early

Some early April views

04 Apr 2019

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92 visits

Mombretia out about 3 months too early

04 Apr 2019

49 visits

View from my bedroom window.

Please excuse the length of the grass - it hasn't been cut yet. I've got to persuade someone to cut it for me.

04 Apr 2019

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34 visits

It's so lovely looking out the bedroom window

This is the view from my bedroom window - the cherry blossom is so beautiful - soon it will be joined by the laburnam and apple blossom as well as the lilac!!!

04 Apr 2019

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57 visits

More of the cherry blossom

It is so beautiful to look out on this. Before my bedroom was the room above this and I would look out onto the top of the tree and it didn't look as good as this. It does look gorgeous when the blue sky is behind it though.

04 Apr 2019

50 visits

Trying to home in on the blossom

I was sitting in my bedroom window when I took this picture - it was too cold to go outside!!

04 Apr 2019

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41 visits

The primroses in the grass on the top lawn.

A few years back there wasn't any primroses in the grass, and since it's decided to live there, anyone who cuts the grass has strict instructions to cut around them!!!

04 Apr 2019

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66 visits

More flowers on the way

02 Apr 2019

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46 visits

My bedroom window's view

Not only the cherry blossom is on view, but the dark green top of the yew tree is visible. You can tell by the colour of the sky that it wasn't long before it started raining heavily. Still the plants and trees need the rain don't they? I don't mind so much, probably because I spend most of my time indoors!!!!! LOL

02 Apr 2019

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52 visits

The dark colour of the sky indicates rain.

It rained about 10 minutes after this picture was taken.
14 items in total