I just love water droplets on vegetation.

For Pam with love

I just love water droplets on vegetation.

26 Dec 2018 6 9 85
My mombretia leaves are perfect for giving me droplets when it rains, they are such a lovely green.

Spirea - an amazing little flower...

30 Jul 2016 67
This flower is about 2 inches long which is incredible, considering how many tiny flowers are in this overall bloom. I've admired this flower for the last few years, because it suddenly appeared on my driveway!! I hadn't realised how intricate the flower was until I took it's picture and then zoomed in on the computer. So pretty

Side view of my hoya flower

28 May 2017 1 4 136
You can see how intricate the flower is - it looks as if it's one flower, but then you realise that it's several flowers all together. Very heady scent, but lovely all the same.

One of the many flowers on my hoya plant

28 May 2017 1 4 93
This plant has suddenly decided it likes it in the bay window of my lounge, because since it's been there, it has given me some gorgeous blooms like this. They are very fragrant, in fact very heady, and the blooms etc last around a month before falling off. This year the plant has given me roughly 20 - 25 flowers which have lasted several months. Great plant.

A panorama of Northam Burrows

24 Sep 2009 6 7 108
This is part of Northam Burrows and somehow the Royal North Devon Golf Club has some of its 18 hole green there!!! There are plenty of rough areas to get stuck in!!!!

A sunset taken from the sand dunes

15 Jun 2009 10 9 115
One evening I went to Westward Ho! and went amongst the sand dunes when I realised it was going to be a lovely sunset. You need clouds to make a really good sunset, but as there weren't any around, I thought the reeds and grasses would help.

Glorious apple blossom

11 May 2010 3 6 102
Apple blossom to me is one of the most beautiful of all flowers. I'm so lucky to have 3 apple trees in my garden and the blossoms look different because they're different kinds of apples. This is my favourite and yet it's the crab apple (a not so beautiful apple) so I suppose it makes up for it with its blossom

A very inelegant Tippi

25 May 2010 2 4 87
This is Tippi who was Pippin's sister. She only lived for just over a year and I miss her terribly. She was such a character. Fearless, very loving, always running up to me to be cuddled, and always seemed to get into awkward situations. This is one of my favourite photos of her fast asleep - totally inelegant for a little girl !!!!!

Gorgeous flower on Samos

01 Aug 2010 2 4 91
This was one of the flowers I loved in Greece. They were growing in pots, so I don't think they were wild.

Westward Ho! beach

29 Sep 2010 12 22 98
I think the tide was on its way in, judging by the amount of dry sand on the beach. The tide actually goes out further than this - it's a very long walk if you just want to paddle!!!! The beach is lined by a pebble ridge, which every year, there is a sort of festival, whereby people come from all over the place, to throw the pebbles off the beach onto the ridge. The heavy swell of high tides take the pebbles off the ridge and dump them on the beach.

This is North Devon countryside

11 Sep 2010 5 5 108
I was driving towards Ilfracombe from Bideford, and I saw this amazing view looking down the valley towards the river.

The mombretia in my garden

16 Aug 2010 5 7 72
I have so many of these plants in my garden - I actually give clumps of the corms to anyone who wants some. I do love this plant however, the bright orange flowers are wonderful against the green foliage. The plants tend to start flowering in July and often last until September.

Yashi beach

14 Jan 2019 14 17 214
This is a picture my daughter took of the beach near her - it takes about 2 minutes to walk there from her house. The land in the far distance is Kos, Greece - another country as well as another continent!!! She's so happy in Turkey and considers it her home. With views like this who could blame her?

What an incredible sight - taken from Yashi

17 Jan 2019 11 22 171
This is another photo taken by my daughter of her view from the beach near her home. Looking towards Dacha and the Mediterranean. How beautiful is this view?

Beautiful Cornwall - I think this is Port Isaac

28 Jan 2019 11 14 111
I didn't take this photo Pam, my son and his wife went to Cornwall for a weekend and took some wonderful photos, but didn't tell me where this was. If you know Cornwall well, I'm sure you'll recognise this.

Stunning panorama of Port Isaac, Cornwall

03 Sep 2016 6 6 98
My son took this gorgeous panorama. I must admit when the weather is like this, Cornwall is absolutely stunning.

Gorgeous bluebells in my driveway

03 May 2017 7 10 97
Looking at pictures like this helps me cope with winter. Hopefully it won't be too long before these flowers will be beautifying my driveway again.

View from my lounge out to the garden...

17 Jun 2017 4 6 99
Oh I can hardly wait for those days when I can open the windows and let the fresh air flow in. My plants love it when they are in the sun - my garden is large, and unfortunately I can't manage it, so I now have to employ a gardener at times, or else flutter my eyelashes at my neighbours!!! They think I'm having a funny turn or else my eyes are bothering me!! LO

76 items in total