Pascha and Roxy, Mandi's little kittens

Mandi and her cats

29 Jul 2018

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61 visits

Pascha and Roxy, Mandi's little kittens

29 Jul 2018

97 visits

Cennet Coy a hidden gem just a couple of miles from Mandi's home

29 Jul 2018

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86 visits

Mandi and Roxy (her cuddle monster). He just loves to lie as close as he can

29 Jul 2018

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93 visits

Mandi and her close friend Eve enjoying a meal out on the beach

29 Jul 2018

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95 visits

Gorgeous sunset from Turgetries

When/if I move to Turkey to be with my daughter and her hubby, this place is where I want to live. I want a house facing the sea, it'll be my last move and for the first time I'll choose where I want to live, not whether it's close to a school or work, but somewhere I will look forward to waking up each morning to a view like this, and then sit down in the evening and watch the sun setting from my patio, perhaps with a small glass of wine (oooh the decadence!!).

29 Jul 2018

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105 visits

Having a meal in the sea!

29 Jul 2018

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104 visits

Beautiful views of the Turkish coast line near Bodrum

This is a view that seems to be there whenever you turn a corner. It's not called the Turquoise Coast for nothing. These amazing places are going to be delighting my eyes in a couple of months when I go back to Turkey and visit my daughter. I can hardly wait.

View on map

16 Jun 2018

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94 visits

My lovely Pippin

29 Jul 2018

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103 visits

Typical street in Bodrum

This is a typical street leading down towards the sea in the Bodrum area. The typical colours of Bodrum are blue and white - so everywhere you go, there are blue doors or windows and beautiful white houses. So gorgeous, especially with the bouganvillea climbing all over the walls displaying their gorgeous coral, white, light and dark purple flowers against the white paintwork.
10 items in total