J-d Welch's photos

Brown Hairstreak

Small tortoiseshell in the meadow

female Brown Hairstreak

Purple Hairstreak

Brown Argus in the meadow

Small copper in the meadow

basking Purple Hairstreak

basking Brown hairstreak

Green Hairstreak

Comma on Blackthorn

Niobe Fritillary

22 Jun 2019 7 4 255
Niobe Fritillary : Argynnis niobe

Mazarine Blue

22 Jun 2019 11 4 256
Mazarine Blue : Cyaniris semiargus

Spotted Fritillary

20 Jun 2019 3 228
Spotted Fritillary : Melitaea didyma

Wood White bokeh

26 Jun 2019 9 8 273
Wood White : Leptidea sinapis

Black Hairstreak

18 Jun 2018 19 11 384
Black Hairstreak : Satyrium pruni

100 items in total

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