Childhood Joy

My Own Favourites

Here is a selection of my images that I like.

Some coincide with images that others have favoured and some don't. Some I think are reasonably good, some just have a memory and some may be quirky.

I hope you enjoy them too.

Childhood Joy

03 May 2009 3 2 388
My daughter found a roll of foil, from some previous barbeque, and started running round me with it streaming behind. I popped off a couple of quick shots before she ran out steam. This is the result.

Kerry Mountains

Tin Mine Coast - Wheal Coates, St Agnes

19 Oct 2012 19 5 718
Wheal Coates, just to the south of St Agnes Head, Cornwall, an area with many old tin and copper mines


25 Feb 2006 1 1 305
Another bitterly cold East Coast winters day sheltering in the dunes at the top of Southwold beach. I don't know who the solitary figure is but he was the only person brave enough to be out on the freezing shore. I could see him from afar as I walked from the town down towards the harbour. He stood there, motionless, on the beach staring out to sea. He was still there in the same position when I moved on to find some warmth and comfort in the harbour Inn. Sad or thoughtful - who can tell.

Sunrays At Trevose Head

Dark Pools of Curiosity

What Are We Waiting For?

23 May 2013 3 3 244


21 Jun 2013 9 2 389

Feed Me. La Laaaa

24 Jun 2013 3 1 423
The swallows, Gulp and Michelle, named a few years ago by our now eight year old daughter, have their summer residence on the ground floor of my workshop where they raise their young. Crossed Beam PIR sensor/trigger with a Cokin Creative Flash at 1/2 power

Gulps' Neighbour

29 Jun 2013 1 1 334
Crossed Beam PIR sensor/trigger with a Cokin Creative Flash at 1/2 power

Thrift - Armeria

Brimstone Lotus - Bummble Bee

Brimstone Lotus - Bummble Bee

Bearded Old Man and Mr Mole Taking a Glass


17 Mar 2013 1 1 253
This one is not one of mine, it was shot and processed by my eight year old daughter. She took it at Newquay Zoo, through glass.

Mesembryanthemum Natures Lamp Design

05 Jul 2013 3 3 251

51 items in total