~fruits of my labor~

Really Random

Stuff that doesn't really fit anywhere else!

18 Sep 2015

78 visits

Red Hot Chilli Pipers @ the NH Highland Games 2015

06 Sep 2015

81 visits

September 6

Time to call it a day! I'm pretty pleased so far with the wall, with the exception of the right side. I only had so many rocks to work with, and not all really fit. This is my first stone wall, though, and I'm 70% happy with it.

06 Sep 2015

96 visits

How to move a large, heavy chunk of granite by oneself without putting your back out : roll it onto a garbage bag and skid it across the yard! I did this with about five or six chunks that were well over 70 pounds, which is more than I can lift.

06 Sep 2015

85 visits

Attempting to set stones.

06 Sep 2015

78 visits

Digging out to level the space and set a good base.

05 Sep 2015

93 visits

Collecting rocks and plotting the space.

03 Sep 2015

88 visits


21 Aug 2015

89 visits

August 21

20 Aug 2015

87 visits

August 20

A quick diversionary project - raking up all the waste hay from the main paddock. I am guilty of over feeding hay to my boys, but in my defense, this is about eight months worth of waste hay, too.
298 items in total