~fruits of my labor~

Really Random

Stuff that doesn't really fit anywhere else!

07 Jul 2015

124 visits

treasures found

When I'm picking the paddock I routinely come across treasures from another time. It's fairly commonplace for rusty nails, bits of pottery, broken glass, and sometimes exciting things like tractor parts or silverware to suddenly spring forth from their shallow graves. Tonight I was wheeling the muck cart across the main paddock and caught a glint of sun off what I assumed was a broken piece of glass in the dirt. Imagine my surprise when I bent down to pick it up and found not a broken shard, but an entire intact bottle! It was so embedded in the packed dirt that I had to go get some garden tools to gently dig it out. Talk about feeling like an archaeologist! It turned out to be an older Pepsi bottle, from back when the metal caps had to be pried off with a bottle opener. One of my neighbors just happens to be a Pepsi fan of the highest order, so I cleaned the bottle up, stuffed a few posies in it, and left it in her yard.

04 Jul 2015

96 visits

04 Jul 2015

100 visits

04 Jul 2015

103 visits

04 Jul 2015

90 visits

04 Jul 2015

116 visits

04 Jul 2015

95 visits

04 Jul 2015

77 visits

July 4

28 Jun 2015

124 visits

June 28

298 items in total