Thames Path near Binsey

Thames Path

the sound of geese

Oxford Summer Eights

Oxford Boat Trip video

14 Jun 2011 3 331
Folly Bridge to Port Meadow (best watched small)

The Finish Stone

01 Jun 2011 21
riverside marker at Oxford

college boathouses

01 Jun 2011 1 22
River Thames at Oxford

rowing on the Isis

01 Jun 2011 1 23
River Thames at Oxford

Thames Path at Grandpont

01 Jun 2011 1 23
River Thames, Oxford

Osney Lock

18 Sep 2011 1 20
River Thames at Oxford

Osney riverside

17 Jul 2011 1 1 19
River Thames at Oxford

willowherb by the Thames

24 Jul 2011 215
Port Meadow, Oxford

Sunday afternoon sailing

24 Jul 2011 1 262
Port Meadow, Oxford

blue Thames in the evening

16 Jun 2010 1 146
Port Meadow, Oxford

rosehips by the river

12 Sep 2011 2 151
River Thames near Oxford

who has seen the wind?

12 Sep 2011 1 226
a blustery walk on Fiddler's Island

a stroll on Fiddler's Island

12 Sep 2011 1 191
Thames Path near Oxford

Bossom's boatyard shed

16 Oct 2011 1 24
Thames Path at Medley

early morning rosehips

misty morning hawthorn tree

16 Oct 2011 1 17
Thames Path, Binsey

741 items in total