Thames Path near Binsey

Thames Path

"heaven and water go their opposite ways"

16 Oct 2011 238
words from the I Ching

"that which is bright rises twice"

16 Oct 2011 1 170
words from the I Ching

the river at dawn

16 Oct 2011 2 13 326
sunrise on the Thames at Port Meadow

Iffley Lock

16 Oct 2011 1 57
River Thames near Oxford

Maatje at Iffley

16 Oct 2011 23
River Thames south of Oxford

December light on the river path

18 Dec 2011 25
Thames Path at Cripley

Osney Mill renovation

18 Dec 2011 1 33
River Thames at Oxford

Osney Mill revamp

18 Dec 2011 1 20
Osney Lock, Oxford

Osney Weir

18 Dec 2011 1 27
Thames overflow at Oxford

the edge of the dawn

15 Jan 2012 1 1 214
River Thames at Port Meadow

winter sunrise at Port Meadow

winter dawn at Port Meadow

10 Feb 2012 1 4 247
(before it was spoiled by Oxford University)

chill walk on the Thames Path

05 Feb 2012 1 30
Port Meadow, Oxford

snow by the river

05 Feb 2012 1 182
Thames Path at Port Meadow, Oxford

ice at Godstow Lock

11 Feb 2012 125
ice on the Thames near Oxford

abbey in winter

11 Feb 2012 2 184
Godstow Abbey, Oxfordshire

snow on the Thames Path

11 Feb 2012 1 145
Port Meadow, Oxford

greylag geese in winter

11 Feb 2012 1 180
Port Meadow, Oxford

741 items in total