Thames Path near Binsey

Thames Path

Medley sailing

13 May 2015 1 126
River Thames at Port Meadow

British Moth

13 May 2015 1 120
River Thames at Port Meadow

round the buoy

13 May 2015 1 122
Medley Sailing Club at Port Meadow

sailing the Thames

13 May 2015 120
River Thames at Port Meadow

up river

13 May 2015 1 149
River Thames at Binsey

sail in the evening sunlight

13 May 2015 1 177
River Thames at Port Meadow

pink hawthorn

13 May 2015 1 118
Fiddler's Island, Oxford

old willow fence

13 May 2015 1 152
River Thames near Oxford

Fiddler's Island

13 May 2015 1 133
River Thames near Oxford

Thames Path towards Osney

21 May 2015 116
River Thames, Oxford

goosey swimming lesson

21 May 2015 156
geese on the River Thames

riverside nature reserve

21 May 2015 1 135
Grandpont Nature Reserve, Oxford

Thames moorings at Osney

21 May 2015 1 149
opposite the old Oxford Power Station

Environment Agency boat

21 May 2015 111
River Thames at Osney, Oxford

Maris at Osney

21 May 2015 131
River Thames at Osney, Oxford

blue sky at Osney Lock

21 May 2015 1 97
River Thames at Osney Lock

evening buttercups

09 Jun 2015 1 152
Port Meadow, Oxford

741 items in total