Thames Path near Binsey

Thames Path

winter morning sun

29 Dec 2014 1 3 223
Thames Path near Binsey

frosty morning joggers

29 Dec 2014 1 192
Port Meadow, Oxford

frosty tree trunks

29 Dec 2014 1 2 233
Thames Path near Binsey

Thames Path trees in winter

29 Dec 2014 1 2 188
Binsey, Oxfordshire

the river in winter

29 Dec 2014 1 1 226
River Thames at Port Meadow

cold weather kayaking

29 Dec 2014 1 2 211
River Thames at Port Meadow

frosty brambles

frost by the Isis

29 Dec 2014 1 5 250
River Thames at Port Meadow

Thames Path in the frost

29 Dec 2014 1 216
Binsey, Oxfordshire

cold swan

29 Dec 2014 4 174
Fiddlers Island, Oxford

Medley floodlight

17 Jan 2015 1 207
River Thames near Oxford

riverside seat in the river

17 Jan 2015 1 1 229
River Thames at Fiddlers Island, Oxford

new micro hydro

29 Jan 2015 1 157
Osney Weir, Oxford

red board at Osney Lock

29 Jan 2015 1 168
River Thames, Oxford

tacky riverside flats

29 Jan 2015 2 174
replacing the demolished area of St Ebbes

lock gates at Osney

16 Apr 2015 1 92
River Thames at Oxford

Osney Lock

16 Apr 2015 1 93
River Thames at Oxford

Lib Dems by the Thames

23 Apr 2015 2 117
or should we say Lib Dims?

741 items in total