Reaching by Zenos Frudakis


Folder: Creative

Reaching by Zenos Frudakis

11 Nov 2009 3 2 405
Part of a sculpture by Zenos Frudakis located in downtown Indianapolis. The rest of the sculpture can be seen here: He also has a Flickr stream here:

The American Bison

21 Jan 2008 3 194
The American Bison, William B. Arnold is the Sculptor. Created out of old fence wire. Sculpture is located outside of the White River entrance to the Indianapolis Zoo.

Bison Foot

21 Jan 2008 153
The American Bison, William B. Arnold is the Sculptor. Created out of old fence wire. Full Sculpture:

Ice Turtle

17 Feb 2008 152
Rare Ice turtle in it's natural environment.

Another View

17 Feb 2008 131
Another view of the flying lady.

DeKalb County

16 Feb 2008 1 154
Part of the artwork symbolizing DeKalb County Indiana on the Indiana State Museum.

Herron School of Art

16 Feb 2008 1 193
Just taking a walk and passed the Herron School of Art.

Green with Envy

15 Mar 2008 137
Green with Envy ... could have described the Purdue and IU players after the games yesterday. :-)

Round Barn

14 Mar 2008 121
You'll have to look up to see this one at the Indiana State Museum.

Syrinx ... in the park.

03 Apr 2008 1 143
Syrinx by Adolph Wolter, 1973

Pan's followers in the Fountain

War Memorial Statue

05 Apr 2008 126
South side of the Memorial.


05 Apr 2008 132
Syrinx by Adolph Wolter, 1973

Copper Dancers

05 Apr 2008 123
Copper Dancers in the fountain in front of the War Memorial.

Sewage Pump Art

07 Apr 2008 171
Art along the Monon Trail.

Facing the Trail

08 Apr 2008 131
Part of one of the murals facing the Monon Trail.

Wall Art

08 Apr 2008 133
Part of a Mural along the Monon Trail.

Wall Art

08 Apr 2008 139
Part of a mural along the Monon Trail.

61 items in total