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Logan's Freshman Year

Summer Play

11 Sep 2012 125
Aisy and Drambuie playing. Tawny tried to herd Aisy without any luck and settled for herding Ralle around the yard.

Paying for it

You don't say!

Logan and his buddies at graduation.


04 Jun 2011 147
Busy weekend here with Logan's graduation. I hope to get to everyone's photos a little later. I hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Not Letting Go!

10 May 2011 174
This vault is the reason for the expression on Logan's face and the arm jester in the previous photo. He cleared the bar easily, but just didn't let go of the pole quick enough. Lazy Sunday here ... which means I slept most of the day away! :-)

Getting Away

10 May 2011 141
Another shot of Logan at the MIC track meet.

Sectionals Thursday!

10 May 2011 130
Busy ... busy here again. Another shot of Logan at MIC.

Just Missing

19 May 2011 119
Just missing his last vault.

Looking for Eagles

29 Apr 2011 142
Logan competed in the first annual Zionsville invitational yesterday. It made for a long day with the meet ending at 10:PM. He had some great vaults and cleared the bar well, but had some bad luck clipping the bar on the way down and ended up getting 5th overall. I think he should have gotten a third place finish otherwise. Tough competition at this meet! His relay team got their best time ever ... and still placed third. I suspect we'll be seeing a number of individuals from this meet at the state finals this year.

Driving Forward

18 Apr 2011 153
Another photo from Monday. Logan is running the third leg of the 4X400 relay. Much colder running tonight though. I was glad I keep a pair of insulated coveralls in the truck. :-)

Logan Vaulting

11 Mar 2011 144
He needed 11-6 to qualify for the next meet and clipped the bar on the way down. He'd been going 12 in practice this past week. I think once he puts it all together consistently ... he'll do well.

Just For fun!

27 Feb 2011 182
Quite the busy weekend here! After my photography class on Saturday ... I drove up north and picked up my grandson Logan and headed back to Indy for a motorcycle show. We made a run through the show and met back up with the rest of the family for a hockey game. It sure made for a long day and a late night! Logan's school wrestling season is over, but he wanted to enter a freestyle tournament ... just for fun. So ... we arrived at the tournament at 8:AM this morning for check-in. It was nearly 1:30 before his first match and almost 6:30 by the time he finished his last match. He lost the first match to the kid who won the tournament, but he then won the next two matches with pins to take a third place finish in the tournament in the 160 lb class. It made for the longest day I've ever spent in a gym and I'm really glad to be home! Logan was looking more like himself again.

Last Match

12 Feb 2011 137
Logan lost the last match of his high school career today to a 5-1 decision.

153 items in total