1969 GTO

My Cars

Folder: Me

07 Jun 2011

124 visits

1969 GTO

30 Dec 2007

1 comment

177 visits

My current GTO Project

Logan at the wheel of my 1969 GTO.

15 Aug 2011


273 visits

Busy times ...

Good weather here and I've been out in the corn fields squeezing mud all day long ... and working on the GTO most evenings. I hope to catch up on more of my contact's photos when the weather turns again. I hope everyone is having a great week!

18 Jul 2011

159 visits

New 400

Slowly the parts are becoming an engine again and will soon fill the empty space under the hood of my GTO.

07 Jun 2011

1 favorite

133 visits


25 May 2011

143 visits

1969 GTO Interior_picnik

01 Jun 2011

131 visits

1947 Willys

12 Mar 2011

1 favorite

203 visits


07 Jun 2011

155 visits


31 items in total