Red, Red Wine

Explore ipernity

Folder: ipernity views, explore, galleries.

unusually blue

25 Mar 2024 19 13 115
One of our house companions :-)

SC91 - Miracle - Post 14 April

09 Mar 2021 13 9 95
Sunday challenge 91 - Post 14 April Miracle Description of challenge -

power of the ocean

12 Apr 2024 15 9 88
Ancient rocks and the Pacific Ocean in NSW, Australia

Sunday Challenge divider 92 Food/91 Miracle

20 Jan 2018 12 13 85
Sunday challenge 92 - post 21 April The Art of Food photography.

Forster Tuncurry bridge

26 Jul 2023 15 7 106
... between Tuncurry and Forster, New South Wales, Australia. View to oyster beds on Wallis Lake. The bridge, which spans Cape Hawke Harbour, or the Wallamba River was officially opened on July 18, 1959. It is 631 metres long, 13.5 metres wide, and the bridge arch sits 6 metres above the water. Before the bridge was built a ferry operated between Forster and Tuncurry for close to 70 years.

Food photography

15 Apr 2024 16 19 102
Sunday challenge 92 - The Art of Food photography. Chicken Curry - my simple recipe. Stir fry chicken breast strips in olive oil. Add water as necessary. Cook until the chicken is sealed, approximately 15 minutes. Dice vegetables, and add curry powder to them: Apple, green capsicum, onion, garlic, ginger. ( I use seasonal vegetables, whatever happens to be in the fridge...) Add to the chicken stir fry. Cook until the chicken is tender. Add half tin of diced tomatoes. Optional - add greek yogurt. Simmer for a while. Background is from Madhur Jaffrey's A Taste of India, published 1985.

Camps Cove

29 Apr 2024 19 12 105
We had a very enjoyable long weekend in Sydney. On our last day there we took the ferry from Mosman to Circular Quay, then to Watsons Bay, and walked along Marine Parade to Camps Cove for afternoon tea. Sunday challenge 94 Framed The Watsons Bay area provided abundant fish, shellfish and food for the local Aboriginal community in a sheltered environment. Rock engravings in the area depict a range of marine creatures including whales and fish. There is also a rock shelter at the northern end of the Camp Cove Beach that shows evidence of habitation by the local Aboriginal people. Governor Phillip and the First Fleet rested for a night in Camp Cove before landing at Sydney Cove in 1788. The bountiful nature of the area was also recognised by the early European settlers and a fishery was set up nearby in 1792 to help feed the new settlement at Sydney Cove.

Main & Ocean

08 May 2024 15 14 92
Saturday challenge 352 - Negative Space

Bacino Espresso

29 Apr 2024 14 15 100
Sunday challenge 95 Food on the street We had a very enjoyable long weekend in Sydney. This was near the bus stop for the ferry, in Mosman.

Tuesday street scene

07 May 2024 17 8 117
Forster, New South Wales, Australia

South Mosman ferry

29 Apr 2024 14 17 93
Taken on our recent trip to Sydney, where the ferries are brilliant. HFF 17 May 2024


04 Jun 2024 19 12 80
Winter in Australia, but we still are seeing some lovely flowers in our garden.

paper weight

Sunday challenge 101

24 Jun 2017 15 7 94
Still life, including white china. Post 23 June 2024 Link to challenge


29 Jun 2024 15 17 60
SSC 359 - 29.06.2024 - A black object Chess piece - 35 mm high

Sunday challenge 102 - post 30 June

31 Mar 2019 10 12 68
Gate/s Challenge description examples:

garden gate

30 Jun 2024 15 18 70
NSW, Australia SC102 - Gate

SC104 divider - An object out of place

01 Jan 2013 16 19 84
Sunday challenge 104 - post 14 July An object out of place Link to description

456 items in total