Red, Red Wine

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Red, Red Wine

18 Apr 2015 16 35 578
TSC Backlighting

Camo Bear and Snoopy

06 Apr 2015 14 17 368
TSC Either shoot something in a comics style or edit the picture to make it look like comics. Or do it in a pop-art style. Or just shoot anything that is familiar from cartoons: a Disney character, a toy etc. Or make a caricature out of something.

Skinny at Enzo's

18 Mar 2015 20 21 569
Hervey Bay, Queensland. TSC Looking down

Noosa River

11 Mar 2015 7 18 451
Spot the Pelicans :-) TSC Leading lines B&W version in comments

Polar Crayola

10 Feb 2015 18 28 541
41/365 TSC Abstract red/pink

Peregian Clouds

03 Feb 2015 23 12 416
Strong South Easter, not a soul on the beach. 34/365

Aussie Beach Police

26 Jan 2015 14 26 585
Australia Day 2015 on Noosa Main Beach, Queensland. TSC Stranger/Street photography

just tomatoes

23 Jan 2015 18 17 801
Straight from the camera, manual focus, three things the same, with just one in focus. TSC Pick 3 of something, whatever subject you want, they can be matching or not... it doesn't matter, as long as the item is the same. Now the challenge bit is to have your picture focused on only 1 of your items and do some magic you have learned here, b&w, s/c, manual focus, that sort of thing. 23/365

White Banana

17 Jan 2015 20 26 713
In camera selective colour Nikon D5100 TSC Selective Colour Selective colour, using GIMP, in the Note on this image.


10 Jan 2015 7 8 307
The TIbouchina is in full flower now.

Mt Ninderry

02 Jan 2015 5 13 490
There is a Dreamtime legend which tells of Coolum, a young warrior, who loved a beautiful aboriginal girl named Maroochy. Another warrior named Ninderry abducted Maroochy. Coolum freed Maroochy and they fled together back to their tribes on the coast. The enraged Ninderry knocked off Coolum’s head which became Mudjimba Island and Coolum’s body became Mt Coolum. The Spirit God punished Ninderry by turning him into stone and he became Ninderry Crest. Maroochy's tears are said to have flowed down creating the Maroochy River. View from the Noosa Hinterland, Queensland at Midday TSC Middle of the day 2/365


20 Dec 2014 7 16 624
Christmas Boat Parade on the Mooloolah River in Queensland. TSC... show us your Christmas... whatever the holidays are for you and yours.

Laguna Bay

10 Dec 2014 9 8 488
Umbrella, sunbathers, seagulls, sandcastles, swimmers, and a boat. View to the National Park from Noosa beach in Queensland. 60mm prime lens 1214

G'day Mates

09 Dec 2014 12 21 657
My Seagull image, with some chocolate (snow) men. With thanks for the Snowmen to TSC Challenge... all group members to modify the same original image "Snowman Christmas".

Lucky number 3

07 Dec 2014 4 25 581
Symbolises optimism and joy, inspiration and creativity. According to Pythagoras and the Pythagorean school, the number 3, which they called triad, is the noblest of all digits, as it is the only number to equal the sum of all the terms below it, and the only number whose sum with those below equals the product of them and itself. Manual, Exposure:0.5 sec. Aperture: f/4.5 Lightbox, Low Key TSC The Sunday Challenge numbers, as simple as that... your interpretation of a number(s) process however you want this week. just make sure we can see at least 1 number. Try out some in camera features you never have before... keep it interesting and challenging. Thanks to Sami for pointing out that it is also 30 :-)

Lemonade Flower

30 Nov 2014 4 5 366
Lemonade Citrus x meyeri This unusual citrus is a cross between the Meyer lemon and a true lemon. Many fruits are on it at the moment. The Lemonade is widely grown in backyards throughout Australia. It looks like a lemon, but can be eaten straight from the tree, just like a mandarin or orange. It’s a lot sweeter than a lemon with a refreshing tang. 60mm


30 Nov 2014 4 22 531
Lemonade Citrus x meyeri This unusual citrus is a cross between the Meyer lemon and a true lemon. Many fruits are on it at the moment. The Lemonade is widely grown in backyards throughout Australia. It looks like a lemon, but can be eaten straight from the tree, just like a mandarin or orange. It’s a lot sweeter than a lemon with a refreshing tang. TSC The Sunday Challenge “pushing the boundaries”. Extreme in camera SOOC. Extreme ISO and Macro, zero editing. Handheld. Preferred version in first comment :-) 1/160 f/14 ISO6400 Aperture Priority Macro Lens Ef S 60mm Canon EOS 550D DSLR Alternative (Archive) photo in Note on this image.

456 items in total