1 January 2022


Folder: by Year starting 2017


04 Jun 2022 10 12 118
One Mile Beach, Forster, New South Wales, Australia


05 Jun 2022 14 20 151
Hallidays Point, New South Wales, Australia A walk along the beach this morning. Sunday Challenge - Say Hello From... wherever you are. Introduce the rest of us to your little corner of the planet by showing us a scene from where you are. Can be your home town, your street, your workplace, anywhere that's special to you. It is one of five beaches within a five minute drive from our house.

Port Macquarie

10 Jun 2022 5 4 81
Photos from our visit to Port Macquarie 31 May/1 June. So much variety there, and bonus Koalas. Tacking Point, Koala Sculpture Trail, sundown at The Beach House, rocks at Flynns Beach. New South Wales, Australia

Australian Pelican

31 May 2022 10 8 92
Port Macquarie, New South Wales, Australia

Colour/Mood/Theme (CMT) July announcement

16 Jun 2022 2 8 140
CMT Colour/Mood/Theme, weekly challenges on Sundays... New members welcome. Please join here... www.ipernity.com/group/daysincolour365 First entries to be posted Sunday 3rd July. Please see details in the first comment below. Until 1st July the theme is Purple and/or Orange. We will continue with monthly colour/mood themes as well for a while, and see how it goes. July's mood will be "Sunny"

singer in a rock 'n roll band

07 May 2022 8 8 135
August 2022 Entry for Creative Themes 1. Inspired by surrealism www.ipernity.com/group/2727146 Created composite, using my background image, and elements from a Miro Public Domain Image. With thanks to Paree for the guitar. Editors: GIMP and Picasa The Garden/Parc from Pixabay pixabay.com/illustrations/parc-de-joan-mir%C3%B3-v-abstra... Free for commercial use No attribution required Born in 1893, Joan Miro was a famous, Spanish Catalan artist. He did works in sculpture, painting, and worked as a ceramicist. Born in the seaport city of Barcelona, much of his work was influenced by the scenic seaside town, and the distinct style that he found in the area... Some of the work that has been recovered, stems back to 1901, when Joan Miro was only 8 years old... Miro's early art, like that of the similarly influenced Fauves and Cubists exhibited in Barcelona, was inspired by works of Vincent van Gogh and Paul Cezanne... In 1918, Joan Miro was set up for his first solo exhibit at the Dalmau Galleries in Barcelona... www.joan-miro.net/

natural abstract

21 Jun 2022 8 2 85
Winter colours. Liquidamber, Gloucester, New South Wales, Australia

June 2022-Farewell to TSC

21 Jun 2022 9 16 163
Sunday challenge - finale I joined the Sunday Challenge in mid May 2014, and have thoroughly enjoyed the camaraderie and banter in the group, ably led by Wendi, Chris and Frags, and various supporters through the years. It is such a shame to see the group closing, but completely understand. Such a fun ride, especially learning how to "urk" :-) So here is an image selected from each year 2014-2022, with a bonus "urk" thrown in from 2018. I believe that, in the group context, it means to have a whinge :-) Incidentally it is also a town in the Netherlands, dating back to the 10th Century. Very best wishes to Wendi, Chris and Frags, for future health and happiness. Images 153, 203, 250, 299, 315, 333, 358, 430, 471, 540


02 May 2022 7 13 94
sunny Gazanias, in our garden, New South Walse, Australia

May-September in 2014, weekly photos

04 Jul 2022 5 9 100
20 images taken weekly in 2014 (then weekly images taken through to no.543 in 2022) 128) car emblem (macro(ish)) 129) through the looking glass 130) negative space with blue 131) a camera setting you have never used 132) abstract ~ with red 133) from the prop box 134) shadows 135) shots that evoke a mood 136) shopkeeper ~ at the market ~ storefront 137) a collage of your favourites 138) sunrises, sunsets 139) down low, camera only a few inches off the ground 140) advertising poster 141) 1 - 3 or 5 of something 142) texturing, as a layer 143) things that 'go' together 144) selective lighting 145) something personal 146) go outside and get something with water, a lake, a river, an ocean, a waterfall, a water drop on a flower.. your drink on the table. 147) forced perspective

Link/challenge 10 July

04 Jun 2014 6 4 101
Thanks for all your quality images in our first challenge FAVOURITE, which … is closed … est fermé … ist geschlossen … está fechado Next week's challenge is MESMERISING, post Sunday 10 July www.ipernity.com/group/daysincolour365/discuss/197726 and the following week, COPYCAT post Sunday 17 July www.ipernity.com/group/daysincolour365/discuss/197740 Have a great week! NEWS 8 July 2022 Re. the monthly mood, which is SUNNY (unlike our weather in Australia at the moment), all the entries so far have been invited, which indicates a low level of interest. As it is somewhat confusing to have weekly and monthly themes, we plan to change to ONLY weekly challenges on Sundays.

sunny in winter

21 Jun 2022 13 23 144
Taken on a recent drive to Gloucester, New South Wales, Australia.

Lorikeet morning

04 Jul 2022 18 22 134
out for a walk with the dogs. I'm not usually quick enough with the camera to catch these beautiful native birds. Rainbow Lorikeet, feasting on a Grevillea, New South Wales, Australia

CMT2 mesmerising

08 Jul 2022 13 17 135
At our local beach, which is about 5kms drive from home. Just the most glorious day after a week of torrential rain. There has been substantial erosion, so the beach has changed shape, with a wall of sand, and the lagoon is open to the sea again. Extra pic in comments. Pacific Ocean, New South Wales, Australia

Pacific Ocean

08 Jul 2022 11 8 83
At our local beach, which is about 5kms drive from home. New South Wales, Australia


11 Jul 2022 7 15 96
ipernity Saturday challenge - a moving object in the foreground, with still/stationary objects in focus. A spinning (faded) rainbow wheel in the garden. Slow moving version...

scene of a flat tyre

09 Jul 2022 11 18 100
We were on our way to Gloucester today, and bounced in a massive pothole, had a shattered wheel and flat tyre, and had to come home, as the spare tyre wasn't that good. We were very lucky that a young couple were passing and volunteered assistance, which meant half the time to change the wheel/tyre, which is a write off. Quite a shock... could have been worse if we had swerved on the road. Quite a scenic location just past Germany Lane, on Avalon Road, near Krambach, New South Wales, Australia. We have now reported the pothole to the council, so hopefully they will fix it soon.


12 Jul 2022 9 7 69
Down by the lake, seems to be flowering really early this year. New South Wales, Australia

196 items in total