306/366 1st November

366 November 2020

Folder: 366/2020

01 Nov 2020

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81 visits

306/366 1st November

Sunday... this Gazania decided to flower, just love these colours...

02 Nov 2020

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59 visits

307/366 Rosella

In our garden, taken from our deck, which is very high. The grass is pretty awful in this part of the garden, but we have a large turfed area closer to the house. New South Wales, Australia

03 Nov 2020

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62 visits

308/366 Ocean Pool

At Black Head Beach, Hallidays Point, New South Wales, Australia. This pool was opened Boxing Day 1940... in 2007 the pool was completely renovated... The pool and surrounds are cleaned and cared for by local volunteers known as "Dad's Army".

04 Nov 2020

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86 visits

309/366 It's 5 O'Clock somewhere

Spare wheel cover on our Nissan 4WD "It's Five O'Clock Somewhere" is a song performed by Alan Jackson and Jimmy Buffett, and written by Jim "Moose" Brown and Don Rollins. It was released in June 2003 as the lead single from Jackson's 2003 compilation album Greatest Hits Volume II. It spent eight non-consecutive weeks at Number One on the Billboard Hot Country Songs chart in summer of 2003. In addition, the song hit number 17 on the US Hot 100, making it the biggest pop hit for Jackson and the first top forty hit for Buffett since the 1970s. Wikipedia 2003 video www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_uNlKLSTa0

05 Nov 2020

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95 visits

310/366 Mograni lookout

Dull day for our drive along the amazingly scenic Bucketts Way, New South Wales, Australia When arriving at Gloucester from the east, Mograni Lookout is a grandstand for one of the best views in the Barrington Coast... Mograni Lookout is on the high ridge overlooking Gloucester, just before the Bucketts Way descends into the valley. On the left is the Mograni Range and below lies the town of Gloucester nestled on a quiet bend of the Gloucester River beneath the Buccan Buccans (the Bucketts Mountains). The Gloucester River is born as a rugged mountain stream high in Barrington Tops but transforms to a calm and beautiful waterway passing verdant farmland in its lower reaches. It lends a lot of this beauty to the township of Gloucester where it's joined by the Barrington River and Avon River, in the valley below barringtoncoast.com.au

06 Nov 2020

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62 visits

311/366 Black Head

New South Wales, Australia Black Head is composed of Devonian mudstones, however unlike its neighbour Red Head, the name does not refer to the colour of the rock, but rather the Irish birthplace (Black Head, Antrim) of the first settler William Hoy, who moved to Black Head NSW around 1881.

07 Nov 2020

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74 visits

312/366 Andragogy

Our daily challenge - (From Laurie) A word I recently learned, Andragogy simply refers to adult education. Show us something you recently learned, are currently learning about or studying or something you want to learn more about and...have fun! "Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty" -- Henry Ford "Man’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions." –Oliver Wendell Holmes I used my Yongnuo 100mm lens for this, a learning exercise. Its auto focus is somewhat random, so generally have to use manual focus (see comments) which is a challenge with poor eyesight :-) Straight from the camera, zero editing.

08 Nov 2020

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74 visits

313/366 best of the day

... distracted by the coverage of the US Election...

09 Nov 2020

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66 visits

314/366 happy family

Australian pelicans, Lake Wallis, Tuncurry
30 items in total