Tokatee's new baby

Lost Creek Ranger Koa

Folder: Llamas

14 Jun 2014

279 visits

Tokatee's new baby

Lost Creek Ranger Koa b. 06.11.2014 male 23.3 lbs Lost Creek Credo x Lost Creek Ranger Tokatee Koa presented with both front legs back. I discovered the "issue" quickly and corrected the accidental malpresentation well before the veterinarian arrived (I always call just in case, because quick response is essential). This is precisely why I work nights — so I can be at home during llama births. Had no one been in attendance right then, one or both likely would have died. "In the wild", first baby and then mother die lingering deaths. Because llamas scar so easily, Tokatee's reproductive future is now very questionable. Having her alive and thriving is MUCH more important!

14 Jun 2014

274 visits

Tokatee and Koa

Lost Creek Ranger Koa b. 06.11.2014 male 23.3 lbs Lost Creek Credo x Lost Creek Ranger Tokatee

14 Jun 2014

249 visits

Tokatee and Koa

Lost Creek Ranger Koa b. 06.11.2014 male 23.3 lbs Lost Creek Credo x Lost Creek Ranger Tokatee

14 Jun 2014

243 visits

Koa, Tokatee, and "Auntie" Dazzle

Dazzle is actually distantly related to Tokatee. She had a very nice standard coat baby, Lost Creek Sagehopper , by the same sire ( Credo ) two years ago. Now that the birth and recovery are over, it's time to get rid of Tokatee's awful winter dishevelment!!!

14 Jun 2014

231 visits

Lost Creek Ranger Koa

Lost Creek Ranger Koa b. 06.11.2014 male 23.3 lbs Lost Creek Credo x Lost Creek Ranger Tokatee Photo at one day. Credo definitely threw his standard coat again. YES!!!!

24 Apr 2015

175 visits

Koa, Aldwyn and Scioty

Aldwyn didn't get castrated when we planned (February instead of November), so he was still hot to trot when Koa was weaned (an event that was also much later than planned). ... too "hot" to allow him access to Koa, so poor Koa had his own private paddock for a couple of months. Llamas are social, so "private paddock" is virtually always a bad thing. Koa handled it well, but never failed to mention at every opportunity that he'd really prefer to be with the older llamas — the herd instinct is stronger than memories of bad experiences.

12 Mar 2015

138 visits


12 Mar 2015

114 visits


This butt was made for packin'!

12 Mar 2015

131 visits


18 items in total