Gwen (fishingcat)'s photos

Aldwyn and Koa

Lost Creek Ranger Koa

Lost Creek Troubadour

Lost Creek Ranger Koa

Lost Creek Ranger Koa

11 Jun 2015 171
One year old

Lost Creek Ranger Koa

Lost Creek Ranger Scioty

13 May 2015 159
2 years old a couple of days ago. Need to get back to him with a slicker brush now that the weather is better.

Lost Creek Ranger Koa

Lost Creek Aldwyn

Lost Creek Troubadour

Lost Creek Ranger Koa

13 May 2015 166
11 months old; Scioty in the background. Certainly a full undercoat (too young to shed yet), but not poofy-looking at all — typical true Classic llama.

Flehmen response

29 Apr 2015 2 399
All llamas may flehmen at dung piles and occasionally other items (probably things that have a similar smell, a finding that we humans would be fully ignorant of). However, it is most common in adult intact males inspecting dung piles and processing the scent for Important Information (sex of the other llamas and their likelihood of being interested in mating with him). The second most common occurrence is when any llama gains access to a new pasture with dung of unfamiliar llamas, as Koa has just done here. He's inhaling deeply into his Jacobson's organ (something we humans don't have) and memorizing all the information he can about who left that pile (how many, what sex, etc). If he later encounters those llamas, he'll then use that information wisely (oops, these are the land owners and I'd better be nice ... or if he were older, HA, the land-owners, I'm gonna whup their butts). During flehmen, the head is held with the nose straight up in the air and the head wiggles and rotates, presumably to move as many scent molecules to the target as possible. The tail also may jerk up and/or wag, depending on whether the information found brings on the emotions that lead to such tail language.




Happy convergence

24 Apr 2015 212
Cricket and Sage It's a impressive indicator of these two llamas' noncombative natures that they just veered slightly away from one another instead of starting a squabble.

266 items in total