Lost Creek Ranger Shuksan

Lost Creek Ranger Shuksan

Folder: Llamas

26 Oct 2012

155 visits

Update from Elahn!

Elahn has been spending the occasional afternoon with his future pasturemates, and when his own group fails to entertain him adequately, he wanders over to the fenceline to see if Shuksan (pictured here), Luka, or Joey might assauge his ennui. This is good; weaning will be all that much easier on Elahn for having made friends in his new home before he gets moved into that pasture permanently.

23 Nov 2013

154 visits

Lost Creek Ranger Shuksan

Although Joey is the grumpiest, Shuksan is the leader in Elahn's group, and Elahn knows it. Here's a good example why — Shuksan notices everything, and doesn't stop looking until he's sure it's safe. That's a good leader (for a llama). Elahn is learning from Shuksan, too.