Pink lotus


28 Apr 2023

8 favorites


79 visits

Burst of orange

Every April, the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Massachusetts hosts Art in Bloom, a festival of flowers arranged by New England garden clubs and professional designers. The flower art is inspired by the many masterpieces found throughout the Museum. AIMG_9169

28 Apr 2023

6 favorites


69 visits


Every April, the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Massachusetts hosts Art in Bloom, a festival of flowers arranged by New England garden clubs and professional designers. The flower art is inspired by the many masterpieces found throughout the Museum. AIMG_9168

28 Apr 2023

3 favorites


65 visits

Protea 1

Every April, the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Massachusetts hosts Art in Bloom, a festival of flowers arranged by New England garden clubs and professional designers. The flower art is inspired by the many masterpieces found throughout the Museum. AIMG 9198

28 Apr 2023

4 favorites


63 visits

Exotic shapes

Every April, the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Massachusetts hosts Art in Bloom, a festival of flowers arranged by New England garden clubs and professional designers. The flower art is inspired by the many masterpieces found throughout the Museum. AIMG 9173

28 Apr 2023

3 favorites


61 visits

Protea 2

Every April, the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Massachusetts hosts Art in Bloom, a festival of flowers arranged by New England garden clubs and professional designers. The flower art is inspired by the many masterpieces found throughout the Museum. AIMG 9178

28 Apr 2023

6 favorites


70 visits

Multi shapes

Every April, the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Massachusetts hosts Art in Bloom, a festival of flowers arranged by New England garden clubs and professional designers. The flower art is inspired by the many masterpieces found throughout the Museum. AIMG 9179

28 Apr 2023

5 favorites


65 visits

Study in white

Every April, the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Massachusetts hosts Art in Bloom, a festival of flowers arranged by New England garden clubs and professional designers. The flower art is inspired by the many masterpieces found throughout the Museum. AIMG 9181

28 Apr 2023

18 favorites


102 visits

A bit of wire (Explored)

Every April, the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Massachusetts hosts Art in Bloom, a festival of flowers arranged by New England garden clubs and professional designers. The flower art is inspired by the many masterpieces found throughout the Museum. AIMG 9197

28 Apr 2023

4 favorites


75 visits

Modern Art

Every April, the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Massachusetts hosts Art in Bloom, a festival of flowers arranged by New England garden clubs and professional designers. The flower art is inspired by the many masterpieces found throughout the Museum. AIMG 9205
477 items in total