All alone


22 Aug 2018

1 favorite


258 visits

Gerainger, Norway

"This third biggest cruise ship port in Norway receives 140 to 180 ships during the four-month tourist season. In 2012 some 300,000 cruise passengers visited Geiranger during the summer season. The Geiranger Port has a cruise terminal, a Seawalk, and 3–4 anchor positions depending on the size of the ships. Constructed in 2013, the Seawalk is a three-segment articulated floating pier, 236 m long and 4.5 m wide on 10 pontoons, which moves (like a floatable jetwalk) to accommodate up to 4,000 passengers per hour disembarking from a single ship. Several hundred thousand people pass through every summer, and tourism is the main business for the 250 people who live there permanently. There are five hotels and over ten camping sites. The tourist season stretches from May to early September. Tours of the nearby historic farms of Knivsflå and Skageflå are available from Geiranger. " AIMG 6942 - Copy

22 Aug 2018

3 favorites


238 visits

Leaving Gerainger, Norway

"This third biggest cruise ship port in Norway receives 140 to 180 ships during the four-month tourist season. In 2012 some 300,000 cruise passengers visited Geiranger during the summer season. The Geiranger Port has a cruise terminal, a Seawalk, and 3–4 anchor positions depending on the size of the ships. Constructed in 2013, the Seawalk is a three-segment articulated floating pier, 236 m long and 4.5 m wide on 10 pontoons, which moves (like a floatable jetwalk) to accommodate up to 4,000 passengers per hour disembarking from a single ship. Several hundred thousand people pass through every summer, and tourism is the main business for the 250 people who live there permanently. There are five hotels and over ten camping sites. The tourist season stretches from May to early September. Tours of the nearby historic farms of Knivsflå and Skageflå are available from Geiranger. " AIMG 6949

22 Aug 2018

19 favorites


204 visits

The Gerangerfjord at twilight (Explored)

AIMG 6955

23 Aug 2018

12 favorites


250 visits

Street Music

Walking down the street in Trondheim, Norway, I came upon this happy man playing the accordion. AIMG 6962

23 Aug 2018

2 favorites


188 visits

The Chokolade Boy

This was a sign painted on the wall of an old building. "Sverresborg is an open air museum with more than 80 historical buildings, several indoor exhibitions, and two restaurants. The museum’s old town is comprised of buildings that were originally located in downtown Trondheim, and offers a charming representation of the wooden houses that have dominated the cityscape from the 18th century up until today. The museum’s rural department is located around the ruins of the castle, and consists of farmsteads and houses surrounded by picturesque nature. The houses are all originally from the Trøndelag region. In the rural department you will also find our Sami collection, the Haltdalen stave church, the Lo church and the old school." AIMG 6974

23 Aug 2018


220 visits

Cups and shadows

"Sverresborg is an open air museum with more than 80 historical buildings, several indoor exhibitions, and two restaurants. The museum’s old town is comprised of buildings that were originally located in downtown Trondheim, and offers a charming representation of the wooden houses that have dominated the cityscape from the 18th century up until today. The museum’s rural department is located around the ruins of the castle, and consists of farmsteads and houses surrounded by picturesque nature. The houses are all originally from the Trøndelag region. In the rural department you will also find our Sami collection, the Haltdalen stave church, the Lo church and the old school." AIMG 6977

23 Aug 2018

2 favorites


197 visits

In town

"Sverresborg is an open air museum with more than 80 historical buildings, several indoor exhibitions, and two restaurants. The museum’s old town is comprised of buildings that were originally located in downtown Trondheim, and offers a charming representation of the wooden houses that have dominated the cityscape from the 18th century up until today. The museum’s rural department is located around the ruins of the castle, and consists of farmsteads and houses surrounded by picturesque nature. The houses are all originally from the Trøndelag region. In the rural department you will also find our Sami collection, the Haltdalen stave church, the Lo church and the old school." AIMG 6983

23 Aug 2018

5 favorites

204 visits

Nothing is plumb

"Sverresborg is an open air museum with more than 80 historical buildings, several indoor exhibitions, and two restaurants. The museum’s old town is comprised of buildings that were originally located in downtown Trondheim, and offers a charming representation of the wooden houses that have dominated the cityscape from the 18th century up until today. The museum’s rural department is located around the ruins of the castle, and consists of farmsteads and houses surrounded by picturesque nature. The houses are all originally from the Trøndelag region. In the rural department you will also find our Sami collection, the Haltdalen stave church, the Lo church and the old school." AIMG 6988

23 Aug 2018

3 favorites


204 visits

Little red school

"Sverresborg is an open air museum with more than 80 historical buildings, several indoor exhibitions, and two restaurants. The museum’s old town is comprised of buildings that were originally located in downtown Trondheim, and offers a charming representation of the wooden houses that have dominated the cityscape from the 18th century up until today. The museum’s rural department is located around the ruins of the castle, and consists of farmsteads and houses surrounded by picturesque nature. The houses are all originally from the Trøndelag region. In the rural department you will also find our Sami collection, the Haltdalen stave church, the Lo church and the old school." AIMG 6989
118 items in total