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  Shooting date  /  2010  /  July  /  2   -   22 photos

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Old Dungeon Ghyll Hotel in the spotlight

Panorama: the head of Great Langdale

Gimmer Crag

Harrison Stickle from Thorn Crag

Two Crags and a Stickle

Loft Crag summit

Pike o' Stickle from Loft Crag

Pike o' Stickle summit cairn, 2323 ft

Fellwalker in the spotlight

How green was my valley

Pike o' Stickle from Harrison Stickle

Light and shade from Harrison Stickle

Pavey Ark from Harrison Stickle

Lakeland cloudscape

Looking back to Harrison Stickle

Violent Vulcanism in England - the Pavey Ark Brecc…

Summit of Pavey Ark, 2288 ft

Pavey Ark - very strange rocks

22 items in total