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  Publication date  /  2010  /  December   -   45 photos

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  • Blue sky
  • The Down escalator, One New Change
  • 30 Cannon Street
  • 1NC
  • 1NC
  • Cheapside
  • A simple stone altar
  • Mr Harrison
  • in memoriam
  • More demolition at Barts
  • Watch it come down
  • Number 30 Cannon Street
  • Gate House, Arundel Park
  • wheeee-eee
  • Hope
  • Hear Ye
  • A good turn-out
  • wheeeeeee
  • Belinda's
  • The Bay Tree
  • inviting shops
  • Christmas Tree in the High Street, Arundel
  • Secrets
  • Betty Boop
  • Fairground Man
  • 3 chestnuts
  • The lake
  • mixed woodland
  • bright bare trees
  • shaded lake
  • Hiorne Tower
  • icy path
  • Old Man's Beard
  • Arundel Cricket Ground
  • bracket fungi
  • brackets
  • Put me out to stud
  • got any oats?
  • Ancient and Modern
  • Sisters
  • A49 this way
  • Mill Street, looking towards Whitcliffe
  • Snowy Cardoons
  • Back Garden
  • You Are Being Watched