Lilium regale

Flowers, Plants, Gardens

Lilium regale

03 Jul 2013 182
f 7.1

Eccremocarpus scaber

03 Jul 2013 177
f 5.0

f 10

03 Jul 2013 142
The caterpillar is about 18mm or 3/4 inch long

nine flowers

26 Jun 2014 196
Lilium regale


Hare's Tails

25 May 2014 213
at LA West Beach


24 May 2014 200
to be in Arundel


My stephanotis fruit has split

4 stephanotis seeds

stephanotis seed

A lovely tree in our park

fresh new leaves

spurge, pine, yucca

a host of golden

260 items in total