Angel's Trumpets


Angel's Trumpets

04 Mar 2019 59

Tightly-packed succulents

04 Mar 2019 107
Sempervivum calcareum? tectorum?

Black Mulberry

04 Mar 2019 63
Morus nigra

Succulents for sale


04 Mar 2019 65
Interesting fruits. Avocado?


04 Mar 2019 65
Interesting fruits

Rufous-collared Sparrow

04 Mar 2019 27
Zonotrichia capensis


04 Mar 2019 77
I suspect this may be a juvenile, maybe a mango or hermit type of hummingbird. Anyway, it kindly sat still for me!


04 Mar 2019 80
I suspect this may be a juvenile, maybe a mango or hermit type of hummingbird. Anyway, it kindly sat still for me!

Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher

05 Mar 2019 66
Ptiliogonys caudatus

Black-eyed Susan

05 Mar 2019 37
Thunbergia alata . The white, orange and yellow varieties all grow wild in Costa Rica.

Resplendent Quetzal (female)

05 Mar 2019 86
Pharomachrus mocinno - with her head tucked under her wing.

Resplendent Quetzal (female)

05 Mar 2019 59
Pharomachrus mocinno

Resplendent Quetzal (male)

05 Mar 2019 42
Pharomachrus mocinno

Resplendent Quetzal (male)

05 Mar 2019 93
Pharomachrus mocinno

Blue house

Resplendent Quetzal (male)

05 Mar 2019 70
Pharomachrus mocinno

A tangle of epiphytics

05 Mar 2019 105
Lichens, mosses, ferns, bromeliads, orchids.

70 items in total