Cine Matisse

Aquí y allá en Costa Rica

Cine Matisse

San José

Lorryload of pineapples

22 Feb 2019 148
probably for juicing

Torch ginger

22 Feb 2019 150
Etlingera elatior

Green 'n' gold chrysalis

Heliconius erato

Morpho peleides

22 Feb 2019 1 130
This is the fabulous Blue Morpho butterfly, but you only see the bright iridescent blue upper surfaces of its wings in flight.

Small butterfly

Heliconia stricta

A lovely inflorescence


22 Feb 2019 148

Red Granadilla

22 Feb 2019 159
Passiflora miniata

Red Granadilla

22 Feb 2019 113
Passiflora miniata

Banana plantation

24 Feb 2019 57
The blue bags protect the developing fruit from birds, insects and snakes (who hide in the bunches and bite the pickers).

Stoplight Catone (male)

24 Feb 2019 91
Catonephele numilia

Mexican Bluewing

24 Feb 2019 34
Myscelia ethusa , with its trailing edges bitten off.

Stoplight Catone (male)

24 Feb 2019 60
Catonephele numilia

Lake Arenal

81 items in total