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  Publication date  /  2010  /  September  /  17   -   77 photos

« Sept 2010    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30    Sept 2010 »

  • Kinda like a hippie frat party, isn't it
  • If this doesn't prove their point, what will?
  • Live music was provided
  • Police brutality!
  • No, she looked like that already
  • The stopping point
  • A resident narrates
  • They march
  • She didn't dance well enough, apparently
  • Local residents were not impressed
  • What's an anti-nuke demonstration without an aroused monkey?
  • The August protest was on a nicer day
  • Getting on the list
  • No entry
  • Bet he went with her to chick flicks, too
  • Buttons and stickers for sale
  • Whipping 'em into a frenzy
  • Isn't this guy on "Whale Wars"?
  • Marching was briefly undertaken
  • Being a part of the crowd
  • Lefty guitarist played lefty tunes
  • Sign put to actual use
  • Mad as a wet anti-nuke protester
  • Umbrellas and signs
  • The crowd was soggy
  • The first demonstration was on a rainy April Saturday
  • The Mayor, City Council members, and a scantily-clad girl cut the cake
  • The town had a birthday cake
  • . . . and shuffleboard for the old.
  • Festivities included a sack race for the young . . .
  • Some of the clowns were not elected
  • Apparently it was a contest
  • Some council members behaved suggestively
  • A city council member at play
  • Mayor Eugene Cipolloni inexplicably promoted nearby Fort Lauderdale
  • There was a parade
  • Now how much would you pay?
  • Morris Katz at paint
  • Explaining how he does it
  • Showing some of his work to a child
  • Working the crowd
  • . . . and a broken glove box -- maybe the one that contained plutonium.
  • . . . contained this frighteningly labeled cask . . .
  • A shack on the property . . .
  • Most of the equipment was gone
  • For times when things go bad
  • The reactor room
  • The abandoned reactor building
  • Passsers-by were warned to stay away
  • And there is laughter
  • There are toys
  • There is a nap room for the kids
  • The staff remains upbeat
  • Infants are looked after
  • The rules sometimes need to be explained
  • Bingo is a popular pastime
  • Learning to sort things
  • Art therapy
  • Firewood to be
  • A big job remains
  • The cut pieces are moved away
  • Equipment is lowered
  • Crew on the ground helps out
  • First, the tops get cut away -- power lines are a danger.
  • The world's biggest cartop carrier . . .
  • Firemen search for the injured
  • Power lines were a tangled mess
  • What used to be . . .
  • The high school's scoreboard
  • At Athens High School
  • Not even new structures escaped
  • There was a lot of this
  • This is a 110-year-old house
  • The trunk held . . .
  • This was more typical
  • And this house got off easy
  • Like dominoes