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  Shooting date  /  2010  /  September  /  18   -   89 photos

« Sept 2010    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30    Sept 2010 »

  • Fallen trees, every which way
  • Red algae
  • Notes from the world of ribs
  • Proof that fish descended from plants
  • Shooting trophy
  • The V key, all dressed up
  • The V key
  • The flowers really weren't that yellow
  • Think I'll have an apple instead
  • Ominous asparagus
  • Abandon hope, all ye who enter here
  • Jewelry for sale
  • Such textured bark
  • The moon rises over the Persian Gulf
  • My one artsy picture in Kuwait
  • The television studio, Ministry of Information
  • A wholesale spice dealer
  • A retail spice vendor
  • A date vendor
  • The spice souk itself
  • Near the spice souk
  • Getting ready for the day's business
  • An older commercial area
  • The gun is gone but the empties remain
  • Kuwaitis were happy we liberated them
  • Kuwait Towers
  • Kuwait Towers and the Persian Gulf
  • Street vendors are common
  • I liked the lower red sign
  • In modern Kuwait City . . .
  • A view in Kuwait City
  • I did not take this picture: it is of me
  • The stateliness of St. Mary's Glacier
  • Something was done to the ore here
  • Inside part of the ore-processing building, long abandoned
  • Mine machinery, long dormant
  • Tailings
  • Mine experts would know what this is. I don't.
  • The Argo Tunnel Mine
  • I call it a "screw pine," but that's a guess
  • Windblown snow
  • St. Mary's Glacier
  • And as we began . . .
  • Drawbridge up
  • All you see . . .
  • It's called the Plimsoll line . . .
  • There are sailboats at Port Everglades, too
  • Port Everglades is near Fort Lauderdale International Airport
  • Undersea cable, the way it was meant to be seen
  • It looks anatomical . . .
  • I liked the shape and shades
  • There's a famous poster of the Normandie . . .
  • A Navy vessel was in port
  • Flemished lines
  • Ice storm aftermath, Old Greenwich, Connecticut
  • A Connecticut horse farm
  • The Pan-Am Building used to be called the Pan-Am Building
  • The view from Brooklyn, when there was still a World Trade Center
  • New York City construction
  • Four Corners
  • Lake Michigan
  • People in the Colorado River
  • The view from Pike's Peak
  • The bridge over Royal Gorge
  • Meteor Crater, right side
  • Meteor Crater, left side
  • Someplace out west
  • Tuba City Truck Stop
  • The splendor of Monument Valley
  • Monument Valley
  • The Mittens, Monument Valley, vertical
  • The Mittens, Monument Valley
  • Weight to weather
  • Sailors start young
  • When it blows, the boat heels
  • Gerard Koeppel, author and sailor
  • When the breeze is calm
  • We're in the lead for a change
  • Up the stick
  • In the distance, the World Trade Center
  • William F. Buckley Jr. at the helm
  • The big, colorful sail is called the spinnaker
  • Big boats race in Long Island Sound
  • Tom Gatewood of Notre Dame

89 items in total