Eye makeup is important

Drag queens in Athens County

This was one of my more peculiar assignments, but it was fun to shoot.

09 Jun 2017

99 visits

Eye makeup is important

Jasmyn La Basha of Mansfield makes sure her eye makeup is just so.

09 Jun 2017

113 visits

Just the right lip look, too

Applying the finishing touches is Carma Lee of Wheeling, West Virginia.

09 Jun 2017

125 visits

Looking Divine

From Columbus was Ming Vaz.

09 Jun 2017

122 visits

The makeup table

The table in the green room bore a variety of wigs and makeup.

09 Jun 2017

117 visits

Getting ready for the show

Announcer for the festivities was Jasmyn LaBasha of Mansfield, here discussing last-minute arrangements in the green room.

10 Jun 2017

120 visits

Striking a pose

Ming and Jasmyn, just before the show began.

10 Jun 2017

121 visits

Starr Davis takes the stage

An audience favorite was Starr Davis of Athens. Many of the contestants came from elsewhere in Ohio and even West Virginia.

10 Jun 2017

119 visits

She's amply rewarded with tips

10 Jun 2017

124 visits

Another contestant

10 items in total