His costume was out of The Village People

Milo Yiannopoulos at Ohio University

The political comedian and writer Milo Yiannopoulos gave a talk at Ohio University Dec. 2, 2016 to a packed house at one of the school's dining halls.
Unlike his appearances at other colleges and universities, this one was not marked by cancellation, protest, or disruption.
In the talk, he ridiculed many of the things held sacred by the modern campus left.
The talk, in tone and content, resembled …  (read more)

03 Dec 2016

121 visits

His costume was out of The Village People

03 Dec 2016

113 visits

The talk was a mixture of several styles

03 Dec 2016

117 visits

He spoke of the OU "graffiti wall" and a controversial message there

03 Dec 2016

154 visits

He was and is a Trump supporter

03 Dec 2016

182 visits

Comedienne Amy Schumer was the target of some of his barbs

03 Dec 2016

156 visits

A local gay leader was unimpressed

03 Dec 2016

149 visits

At the end, he took questions