His hat was the first casualty

Bronco rider gets caught and dragged

This was the first saddle bronc rider out of the gate at the rodeo held as part of the Athens, Ohio, County Fair. The outcome could have been far worse.

10 Aug 2016

113 visits

The situation gets worse

10 Aug 2016

120 visits

The outcome is in doubt

10 Aug 2016

121 visits

The crew rushes in

10 Aug 2016

116 visits

He tries to remain on his feet

10 Aug 2016

120 visits

But it's a losing battle

10 Aug 2016

123 visits

Now he's being dragged again, close to the fence

10 Aug 2016

132 visits

Others try to help

10 Aug 2016

131 visits

His hand is finally loose

10 Aug 2016

127 visits

But now his body is tangled in the rope

20 items in total