The nymphs dig themselves out of the ground

Once every 17 years: The periodical cicadas arrive

In 2016, the 17-year cicadas of Brood V hatched in eastern Ohio and nearby territory. The emergence (after the cicadas spent 17 years underground, growing from tiny to an inch-and-a-half long) involves billions of the insects, relatives of aphids. In some places there are as many as 200 per square yard.
They're harmless and actually beneficial. They're even edible, except near coal-fired powerplan…  (read more)

13 May 2016

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1 comment

114 visits

Almost ready

13 May 2016

145 visits

But carpenter ants interrupt the process for some

13 May 2016

141 visits

More ants join the party

13 May 2016

122 visits

Soon, they're dragging away the pieces

13 May 2016

1 favorite


151 visits

But the vast majority make it all the way

13 May 2016

2 favorites

153 visits

They're harmless, and kind of cute

13 May 2016

1 favorite

113 visits

Ready to fly, mate, and die

13 May 2016

1 comment

187 visits

The shell is left behind

29 May 2016

155 visits

Weeks later, another moltling

22 items in total