Year's first paper wasp, though, alas, not the last

Macro, 2015 edition

It turns out that I may be the only person in the world who really loves the little Fuji 60mm macro lens. And yes, it is slow to focus and otherwise misbehaves -- but after a little while one finds a kind of zen with it and it becomes a delight to use, at least on an X-T1. It is a little awkward on the other Fuji bodies.

So here we go: spring is here and insects and other small living things are …  (read more)

28 Apr 2015

1 favorite

187 visits

Year's first paper wasp, though, alas, not the last

28 Apr 2015

142 visits

Where to focus?

28 Apr 2015

129 visits

Dandelions are always out first

28 Apr 2015

142 visits

They're followed immediately by little bugs and beetles that eat them

28 Apr 2015

182 visits

A pretty purple flower, 3/4 inch across

29 Apr 2015

166 visits

Year's first unidentified weird hover fly

29 Apr 2015

132 visits

Anatomy of a dandelion

29 Apr 2015

138 visits

Very small bumblebee

This is half the size of a honeybee; its shiny abdomen is reminiscent of a carpenter bee, but again, it's much smaller.

30 Apr 2015

153 visits

Strolling spider

29 items in total