Torin Tindongan, his dad Mamerto, and the canoes

Feature: Mamerto's Pacific-Style Dugout Canoe

Mamerto Tindongan is a well-known wood carver. I've photographed him before, and some of the pictures appear elsewhere here. He has also been world-champion atl-atl-ist. He undertook to build a Pacific-style dragon dugout canoe. He ended up building two -- male and female. A crowd gathered for the launch of them, and many took a ride. Each canoe took about 100 hours to make, each from a single cot…  (read more)

06 Jul 2013

132 visits

Mamerto and son

06 Jul 2013

127 visits

Outriggers add stability

The outriggers are bundles of bamboo, running fore and aft, and are attached to the yokes. The bamboo is submerged, but Mamerto hopes to add floating pontoon outriggers.

06 Jul 2013

96 visits

Both canoes

The one on the left, with the flag, is the "male" one. And yes, they're going in the right direction -- the dragon heads are to warn those who would approach from behind.

06 Jul 2013

104 visits

Mamerto comes in for a landing

06 Jul 2013

1 favorite

126 visits

Off to explore the jungle

At least, that's how it looks to me!

06 Jul 2013

120 visits

More spectators take a ride

06 Jul 2013

117 visits

And a swim

No, the boat didn't sink. It was a very hot day and Amahan Tindongan took advantage of it.

06 Jul 2013

128 visits


06 Jul 2013

98 visits

Off in the distance

18 items in total