Gary Larson should caption this one

Stock: Shorebirds

Of course there are bird pictures. I shoot Nikons, after all.

17 Sep 2010

95 visits

Gary Larson should caption this one

17 Sep 2010

102 visits

Yes, his beak can hold more . . .

17 Sep 2010

100 visits

Not a pretty bird, actually

17 Sep 2010

93 visits

Certainly distinctive, though

17 Sep 2010

105 visits

An icon of many places

17 Sep 2010

108 visits

A closeup doesn't bring out the beauty, does it

17 Sep 2010

101 visits

Just sittin' on the rocks in the sun

17 Sep 2010

70 visits

If Benjamin Franklin were a bird

17 Sep 2010

122 visits

A little heron, I think

17 items in total