Restaurant reflection

Street pictures

Grab a Leica (well, usually a Leica) and head out, finding targets of opportunity. The pictures you like at first may be entirely different from the ones you come to love as years pass.

10 Sep 2010

145 visits

Restaurant reflection

Leica M-4, 35mm Summicron, Ektachrome

10 Sep 2010

124 visits

Fountain imp

Leica M-4, 35mm Summicron, Tri-X, D-76 1:1

20 Apr 2013

1 favorite

149 visits

Tea and Sweeties

Formal national attire is part of the International Food Festival, held on Court Street in Athens, Ohio each spring

20 Apr 2013

175 visits

When you absolutely, positively want to eat

20 Apr 2013

136 visits

Multicultural indeed

And a beautiful day.

11 Mar 2011

179 visits

Downtown NYC

These motormen were gathered to take part in the filming of a movie, though I don't know which one. It was taken in September 1987.

10 Sep 2010

168 visits

Out of Kools

Leica M-2, 35mm Summicron, Tri-X, D-76 1:1

10 Sep 2010

128 visits

Well, except for the seat it's perfect

Those tall buildings at the end of the street aren't there anymore. Still angry about that, actually. Leica M-2, 35mm Summicron, Tri-X, Microdol-X 1:3

10 Sep 2010

154 visits

Don't worry -- the camera doesn't bite

Leica M-2, 35mm Summicron, Tri-X, D-76 1:1
91 items in total