Navajo Potter at Four Corners

Here and there

These are feature pictures that don't really have a home elsewhere and that have no particular theme.

13 May 2013

2 favorites

133 visits

Navajo Potter at Four Corners

Nikon F3, 20mm Nikkor, Kodachrome, July 1987

12 May 2013

164 visits

End of a lakeshore run

Chicago, 1987. Nikon F3, 200mm Nikkor.

27 Dec 2011

265 visits

KFRU newsroom, October 1965

Word came today of the death of Dick Cottam, who for many years broadcast from this booth at the back of the newsroom at The Columbia Daily Tribune, at 7th & Cherry Streets in Columbia, Mo. Reading the news is Eric Engberg, later of CBS News Cottam was the first radio guy I ever met in person, when I was a tiny kid and he was covering the Cosmopolitan Club's annual Pancake Day. Engberg replaced Cottam as news director when Cottam went to NBC.

31 Aug 2011

186 visits

Main concourse, Columbus Airport

The TSA gave me grief when I made this picture of this very public place. The picture has since been published. I'm pretty sure there is no danger. Jeez.

16 Jul 2011

140 visits

Brew Week

This is when the town of Athens, Ohio, comes together to celebrate beer and its effects.

16 Jul 2011

132 visits

Brew Week costume 1

Remind you of beer? Me, neither.

16 Jul 2011

142 visits

Brew Week costume 2

This balloon hat was probably put on the child by a grownup.

06 Jun 2011

169 visits

Court Street Diner in panorama

A late lunch one bright spring day. The food was, as always, good, the conversation spirited.

07 May 2011

117 visits

A sign that's generally ignored

But absent aggravating circumtances the police tend to look the other way, it seems.
52 items in total