Arrival is exciting

Guantanamo: the place

13 Sep 2010

130 visits

Golfers will always find a way

Guantanamo is largely desert. So golfers carry a little bit of the fairway around with them.

13 Sep 2010

133 visits

But if you can play here . . .

. . . you can play just about anywhere.

13 Sep 2010

130 visits

There is a horseback-riding club

Many naval officers assigned to GTMO bring their families.

13 Sep 2010

124 visits

Careful surfing

Surfers do their best on the low waves at the beach. Extra care is required, lest they end up on the other side of the fence, in Cuba. Fishing is also popular, but all fishing boats are required to have two engines, lest an engine failure allows a boat to drift into Cuban waters.

13 Sep 2010

121 visits

Families discover natural wonders

Ridley's sea turtles nest on the beach at GTMO, and when they hatch children and their parents see the baby turtles safely to the water, before birds and other predators can get them.

13 Sep 2010

154 visits

The only American grocery store in Cuba

13 Sep 2010

144 visits

The selection isn't bad

13 Sep 2010

130 visits

But there are differences

Note that the milk is "filled." That means it's made from skim or dried milk, reconstituted with non-milk substances.

13 Sep 2010

111 visits

There is only one stoplight

And here it is being run.
35 items in total