A familiar sign at GTMO

Guantanamo: minefield

The most extensive minefields in the western world surround the U.S. Naval Base at Guantanimo Bay. The ones on the American side of the fence are maintained by the Marines of the Minefield Maintenance unit. Theirs is a dangerous test of nerves.

13 Sep 2010

121 visits

A familiar sign at GTMO

13 Sep 2010

147 visits

Getting ready to enter the minefield

13 Sep 2010

128 visits

Looking for explosives

13 Sep 2010

134 visits

When one goes off

13 Sep 2010

120 visits

Medics respond

13 Sep 2010

114 visits

But first, remaining mines must be marked

13 Sep 2010

119 visits

The situation is assessed

13 Sep 2010

120 visits

The wounded Marine is dragged back

13 Sep 2010

123 visits

First-aid is rendered

13 items in total