The Court Street entrance to the campus

Ohio University in infrared color

29 Apr 2019

85 visits

The Court Street entrance to the campus

14 Jul 2019

102 visits

Under the Sycamores

In the distance is Cutler Hall, the oldest campus building and, for now, the school's administrative offices.

29 Apr 2019

114 visits

College Green

29 Apr 2019

77 visits

The Ampitheatre at Scripps Hall

06 Jun 2019

69 visits

Looking south from Baker Center's balcony

29 Apr 2019

85 visits

They were giving away Red Bull, which gives you wings

So a floating picture seemed appropriate. Okay, I was actually on the east balcony at Baker Center. They really were giving away Red Bull. Awful stuff, in my view.

29 Apr 2019

1 favorite

117 visits

Looking North on Court Street

06 Jun 2019

1 comment

213 visits

The pond behind Baker Center

06 Jun 2019

1 favorite

203 visits

A South Court Street scene

11 items in total