Looking sunward on the ridge

Infrared fun 2019

23 Apr 2019

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89 visits

The next level

Well, actually, 850nm would be the next level -- here I jump to a 950nm filter, on an ancient 24mm f2.8 Nikkor on the 720nm adapted Fuji X-E2. The filter allows a 720nm camera to dive deeper into infrared while still being hand-holdable. The difference between 720nm and 950nm is about that of going from a yellow to a deep red filter in conventional black-and-white.

23 Apr 2019

77 visits

A 950nm fern

23 Apr 2019

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65 visits

A little infrared tunnel in the woods


22 Apr 2019

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108 visits

With a little hue and saturation adjustment

27 Apr 2019

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96 visits

Clouds in IR the day after a storm

27 Apr 2019

82 visits

Country lane

27 Apr 2019

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1 comment

110 visits

Federal Creek from the Big Run bridge

29 Apr 2019

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73 visits

Awful picture, but I like it

Was playing in the woods yesterday with a new, cheap 950nm filter on a Rokinon 12mm f2 lens (which ruined much of my day via its IR hotspot), and shot this in black-and-white. It's not technically good by any stretch, but I like it anyway.

30 Apr 2019

70 visits

A pine stand

The neighboring property is a pine farm, and I climbed back there to make a picture. The little sapling in the foreground obviously isn't a pine.
62 items in total