Meghan Bee plays and the festival begins

2018 Nelsonville Music Festival, part 1

31 May 2018

33 visits

Meghan Bee plays and the festival begins

The first performer this year -- kind of the grand opening act -- was popular local singer-songwriter Meghan Bee, on the Boxcar Stage Thursday.

31 May 2018

48 visits

The new Robbins Crossing store

New this year is the Robbins Crossing general store, where visitors can buy handicrafts and the like as well as painkillers and bug spray and what used to be called "sundries" in the days of the general stores. Here, store employee and second-year Hocking College student Sarah Haney of Cincinnati does some last-minute stocking. The store will be open for other events at the historical site.

01 Jun 2018

73 visits

Counterfeit Madison

The always popular Counterfeit Madison drew a crowd to the sunny field in front of the Porch Stage Friday afternoon.

01 Jun 2018

76 visits

Shannon Lay and her very red hair

Shannon Lay on the Boxcar Stage.

01 Jun 2018

49 visits

Has it all sorted

Young Jack has his life planned out -- or at least the location where it will take place. A lot of families attend NMF, and Jack's was among them.

01 Jun 2018

50 visits


New this year is the skateboard half pipe, popular with children and former children.

01 Jun 2018

89 visits

Moving slowly in the sticky weather

Friday afternoon wasn't especially hot, but the steam from a brief but effective rainstorm had some people moving real slowly. Taking a break in the shade was a popular activity.

01 Jun 2018

77 visits

Here, guitars grow on trees

The festive decorations included this guitar, covered with pieces of that used to be CDs in what's become a comment on today's way of distributing music, in which the CD is so yesterday.

01 Jun 2018

1 comment

54 visits

The left-handed Middle Kid

Hanna Joy of the Australian band Middle Kids plays her guitar left-handed, in the fashion of Jini Hendrix. Middle Kids performed on the Main Stage Friday afternoon.
25 items in total