Capt. Cyrus Moore III was commander of the Athens boys

World War I and the Athens Armory

19 May 2018

66 visits

Capt. Cyrus Moore III was commander of the Athens boys

And he got them together, in uniform, for the dedication of a plaque in 2018 at the Athens Armory, at the top of Court Street. When he's not winning World War I, he's an expert at the Southeast Ohio History Center.

19 May 2018

102 visits

A picture that could have been made 100 years ago

19 May 2018

112 visits

In the old pictures they look somber . . .

. . . but these guys were perfectly cheerful -- I think it's the sepia tone that made them look oh so serious way back when.

19 May 2018

104 visits

Looks ancient, doesn't it . . .

. . . but the picture was made 19 May 2018.

19 May 2018

102 visits

There were nurses in World War I, too.