Cosplay at RathaCon

RathaCon 2018

12 May 2018

82 visits

Cosplay at RathaCon

Here are Abby and Elisabeth Pike, sisters and OU students from Athens. They're at RathaCon (a play on words Star Trek movie fans would understand), an annual comics, fantasy, art, game, and cosplay event held at the Athens, Ohio, Community Center.

12 May 2018

83 visits


Abby Pike has a small model of sister Elisabeth's character.

12 May 2018

85 visits

Giving him the eye

Ghostbuster Licion, 7, of Morgantown, West Virginia, right, clearly takes a dim view of fellow Ghostbuster Brandon Richards of Marietta . . .

12 May 2018

1 favorite

94 visits

Danger, Will Robinson

Robot repair was undertaken as needed.

12 May 2018

83 visits

Intergalactic villainy

Amber Atkins of Cincinnati was a Star Wars villain transported to the Athens Community Center.

12 May 2018

106 visits

But she enjoys the fries

Even fearsome Star Wars villains have to eat -- in this case a potato from a long time ago and far, far away.

12 May 2018

114 visits

Lots of cross-pollination going on

No, it's not Comic Book Guy waiting for the Port-O-San. It's a RathaCon attendee outside the TARDIS.

12 May 2018

96 visits

The Look

Zoe Hinton of Quarryville, Pennsylvania has mastered her skeptical glare.

12 May 2018

112 visits

Who's afraid of the big, bad bunny?

Not something you see every day.
16 items in total